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(Consulting services - Selection of individual consultant)
The General Secretariat of the West African Power Pool (“WAPP (hereinafter referred to as the“ Funding Recipient ”or the“ Client ”) has received funding from the Millennium Challenge Corporation (“ MCC ”) under the form of a grant awarded in accordance with the Cooperation Agreement dated May 7, 2021, between MCC and the Funding Recipient (the “Cooperation Agreement”) to finance the cost of recruiting an independent expert to participate in the evaluation of proposals for a consultancy service contract This funding is referred to as “Project Support Funding”.
The Funding Recipient intends to use a portion of the Project Support Funding to make payments authorized under a contract for which this Notice of Expressions of Interest is issued. Payments made by the Recipient of funding under the proposed contract are subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the Cooperation Agreement and related documents, including restrictions on the use and disbursement of Funding from. project support. No party other than the Funding Recipient may derive any rights from the Cooperation Agreement or have rights to the proceeds of the Project Support Funding.
The WAPP General Secretariat invites eligible Consultants to indicate their interests in providing the Services. Interested Consultants must provide information indicating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services by submitting to this effect (a) a cover letter; (b) a detailed updated CV; (c) references and (d) information (diplomas, work certificate, certificate of services rendered, etc.)
Role of the expert: participate in a selection committee in the evaluation of offers of consulting services relating to the realization of feasibility studies of projects of transport and distribution of electric energy infrastructure, involving a significant component of environmental and social activities.
Qualifications and skills of the consultant: the Consultant should have the majority of the following qualifications, experience and skills:
The Consultant's mission extends from the start date of the contract for a maximum period of one (01) month. The services of the Consultant will be carried out in the premises of the General Secretariat of the WAPP in Cotonou, Benin or in any other place designated by the Client.
A consultant will be selected in accordance with the method of Individual Consultant Selection by open competition as set out in the Procurement Guidelines for programs funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) available at https: //
Further information can be obtained by sending a message to the address below. The messages will be marked "Application / recruitment of an independent MCC expert" in the subject line. Email:
Applications marked “Application / Independent MCC Expert” must be sent through the File Request Link (DFL) - AMI- Recruitment of a consultant for evaluations of the proposals of consulting services - WAPP-MCC for the submission of proposals.
Please note that this link provided to consultants for submission will expire on the proposal submission deadline and that the link above is the only way to submit proposals. Proposals submitted by hand, mail, email or courier will not be accepted.
Deadline for receipt of applications: 2/8/2021 15:00 local time in Cotonou, Benin
The General Secretariat of the West African Power Pool ("WAPP (hereinafter referred to as the" Funding Recipient "or the" Client ") has received funding from the Millennium Challenge Corporation (" MCC ") in the form a grant awarded in accordance with the Cooperation Agreement dated May 7, 2021, between MCC and the Funding Recipient (the “Cooperation Agreement”) intended to finance the cost of recruiting an Independent Expert to participate in the evaluation of proposals for a consultancy service contract This funding is referred to as “Project Support Funding”.
The Funding Recipient intends to use part of the Project Support Funding to make payments authorized under a contract for the recruitment of an independent expert. Payments made by the Recipient of funding under the proposed contract are subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the Cooperation Agreement and related documents, including restrictions on the use and disbursement of Funding from. project support. No party other than the Funding Recipient may derive any rights from the Cooperation Agreement or have rights to the proceeds of the Project Support Funding.
The Client is looking for a high level technical evaluator (Independent Expert) qualified to participate in the evaluation of the proposals (evaluation of technical proposals and combined evaluation) that will be submitted as part of the Request for Proposals for on the feasibility study the second electricity interconnection project between Cote d'Ivoire and Burkina Faso.
The Independent Expert must be a member of a Technical Assessment Panel which must review and evaluate the proposals submitted by the service providers according to the criteria and requirements of the Request for Proposals file.
The Independent Expert will be required to sign a confidentiality sheet requesting the full non-disclosure of the assessment procedures or the retention of any of the assessment documents, including those prepared or completed by him.
The Consultant should have the following qualifications, experience and skills:
Demonstrate successful experience in the field of management and coordination of a heterogeneous group of professionals in carrying out projects of a similar nature and complexity to carrying out feasibility studies of projects of electrical energy transport and distribution infrastructure, including a component of environmental and social activities.
Have a minimum of 20 years of professional experience in the implementation of energy projects.
Justify, within the last ten years, specific experience in managing teams in a minimum of three energy projects of similar complexity, preferably in sub-Saharan Africa.
Knowledge of international donor procurement procedures is an asset.
Fluency in French and be able to communicate verbally and in writing in English
The Consultant will be selected in accordance with the method of Individual Consultant Selection by open competition as set out in the Procurement Guidelines for programs funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) available at https: //
The Consultant's mission extends from the start date of the contract for a maximum period of one month, in which 2 weeks will be used for the analysis of technical proposals. The services of the Consultant will be carried out in the premises of the General Secretariat of the WAPP in Cotonou, Benin or in any other place designated by the Client.
The contract will be remunerated on the basis of time spent; payment on the basis of the number of days worked and the reimbursable expenses incurred.
All air transport will only be paid for in economy class, and the Customer reserves the right to book the plane ticket for the Independent Expert if this option is more economical for him.
However, given the restrictions due to COVID-19 that will be in effect on travel during the period of analysis of the proposals, it is anticipated that certain stages of these assessment panels will be by videoconference. In these cases, the Client will notify the Independent Expert of the appropriate procedures that will apply.