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Country: Multinational (Western Africa)
WAPP Integration and Technical Assistance Project (Grant No. IDA H7700)
1-The West African Power Pool (WAPP) is a specialized institution of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) covering 14 out of the 15 Member States of this regional economic community (Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo). WAPP is an international organization operating in the general interest of the regional power network system with a view to ensuring reliable power supply throughout the region. WAPP Members (summing up to 29) comprise public and private power generation, transmission and distribution entities involved in the operations of the power network system in West Africa.
2-The WAPP Information and Coordination Centre (ICC) is an organ of the WAPP Secretariat that promotes operational coordination between Transmission Owning/Operating Members through the day-to-day information sharing / exchange between WAPP Operational Coordination Centres.
3-The WAPP ICC currently acts as the coordinator of the WAPP Interconnected System. This coordination role is to be enhanced with the delivery of a WAPP Coordination Centre at Calavi, Republic of Benin. The WAPP will own and operate the control centre (but will not operate any physical network asset) in the region. As part of his mandate, the WAPP ICC will ensure uniformity of training and certification requirements across the region including that of WAPP ICC co-ordination and control centre operators.
4-The WAPP intends to develop a Regional System Operator Certification Programme to complement existing training and certification Programme and promote skilled, qualified and regionally certified System Operators to ensure a reliable operation of the WAPP Interconnected Power System.
5- It is envisaged that the System Operator Training and Certification Programme would provide the overall framework for training and certifying operators based on their designations and credentials (according to specific functional areas of system operations) in operating individual TSO’s as well as collaborating with Control Area Centers, other TSO’s and the WAPP Information and Coordination Center (WAPP ICC) in ensuring overall reliability of the WAPP Interconnected Power System.
6-The WAPP Secretariat is seeking the services of an International Consultant to be engaged to guide and advise on the design and implementation of the Training and Certification (T&C) Programme. The interest Consultant candidate to perform this assignment must have the following minimum competences:
7- The WAPP General Secretariat now invites eligible Consultants interested to provide: (i) a signed cover letter of interest demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services; and (ii) a signed, detailed and updated CV.
8-The detailed terms of reference may be downloaded from WAPP website (“call for tenders” section). Further information can be obtained by email below:
Attention: Honore Sanou
Tel: + (229) 21 37 41 95 / +(229) 21 37 71 44
The applications in English or French, shall be sent by email to the following address:
The deadline for the submissions of applications is 18 June, 2018, 6:00PM
9-Application shall be clearly marked as "Application - Consultant for Training and Certification Programme”. All Applications must be submitted online and paper applications will not be accepted.
10-A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the selection method for individual consultant set out in the Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (January 2011).
11-The assignment is a 1 year fixed term contract from the date of signature of contract with the possibility of an additional year extension subject to the performance of the consultant and satisfactory evaluation of WAPP.
12- Only shortlisted candidates shall be contacted for the next stage of the recruitment process.