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Invitation for Prequalification
Reference |
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Country |
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Multinational (Nigeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger). |
Project name |
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WAPP - North Core / Dorsale Nord, Regional Power Interconnector Project |
Sector |
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Energy |
Project ID N° |
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P162933 |
Financing Agreements |
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Crédits n°6340-BJ & 6341-NE, Dons n°D393-BJ & D394-NE |
Contract title |
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Pre-qualification for the Turnkey construction (EPC) of the construction works for the HV substations and extension of the dispatching centre in Niger and Benin |
This prequalification notice is in response to the General Procurement Notice issued on April 09, 2019 on the UNDB website.
The Governments of Nigeria, Niger, Burkina Faso, Benin and WAPP have received funding from the World Bank to cover the cost of the WAPP - North Core / North Dorsal Regional Electric Interconnection Project, and intend to allocate a portion from the proceeds of this financing to the payments related to the contracts of:
Nominations may be submitted for prequalification for one or both of the contracts as per the terms and conditions to be identified in the Prequalification Record.
The Project Management Unit (PMU) intends to prequalify contractors and / or companies for the turnkey construction works (EPC) below:
Lot 1-SS:
Lot 2-SS -Dispatch:
The invitations to tender are scheduled to be launched in November 2019.
Prequalification shall be conducted in accordance with the pre-qualification procedures specified in the World Bank's Procurement Regulations for Borrowers under the World Bank's Investment Project Financing, as of July 2016, revised in November 2017 and August 2018; it is open to all candidates from countries that meet the eligibility criteria, as defined in the Procurement Rules.
Eligible interested candidates may obtain further information and consult the pre-qualification document at the Northern Dorsal Power Interconnection Regional Project Management Unit,
Plot No 1285 Wiki Springs Street,
A complete set of prequalification documents in English may be purchased by interested Applicants on the submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Twenty Thousand (20,000) Nigerian Naira.
The payment will be done by Bank Transfer to the Project Account number 2710002733 at Ecobank Nigeria-Abuja under West African Power Pool /North Core.
The document can either be picked-up at the below address or sent to the applicant's address by the route he will have indicated and for which he will have paid the cost of.
The files marked "PQ / EPC-SS / WAPP-NC / WB # 03: Prequalification application for the construction of HTB electrical substations and extension of WAPP North Dorsal dispatching center in Niger and Benin" must be submitted in an envelope sealed delivered to the address below before 21 October 2019 at 11 am, Abuja time (GMT + 1):
Attention to Mr MAILELE Djibril Amadou WAPP NORTH CORE PROJECT Plot No 1285 Wiki Springs Street, Maitama, Abuja, Federal Republic of NigeriaLate applications might be rejected.
Kindly note that the deadlines for submission and opening of Applications are modified as follows: