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The WAPP Secretariat organized the second meeting of the thematic group on "Challenges related to the operation of Variable Renewable Energy (VRE)" from 3 to 5 May 2023 in Cotonou, Benin.
This meeting is part of the establishment of an enabling framework that would accelerate the deployment of large-scale solar power plants in the WAPP region by identifying technical bottlenecks.
The meeting reviewed the second part of the methodological guide on the challenges of operating electricity grids with a high share of variable renewable energy. Lanus Consulting & Development Sarl / Ener21 Ingénierie & Consulting Sarl/ RESPECT Srl Group, recruited by the WAPP General Secretariat supported the WAPP working group on variable renewable energy.
The meeting was attended by members of the Thematic Group on Challenges to the operation of VRE representing WAPP member companies and sub-regional organizations, operating in grid operation. Representatives of the WAPP Secretariat and the Ianus Consulting & Development Sarl / Ener21 Ingénierie & Consulting Sarl/ RESPECT Srl Group also took part in the meeting.
The members of the thematic group held discussions centered on the themes of the technical guide presented by the Consultant, namely the "Defense Plan", the "System Restoration Plan", the "Flexible Solutions for Power System Operation" and the "Control System" . Workshops were organized to allow participants to exchange views on the Network Codes and the actual state of the control systems in the WAPP countries. The members of the thematic group agreed to review the intermediate version of the guide and provide comments by June 15, 2023 to allow the Consultant to consolidate these comments in the final version.
Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) are energy sources that are not constant in time and space. These include wind and solar energy. The exploitation of these energy sources is increasingly important in the world, as they are considered cleaner and more sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels. However, their integration into power grids poses technical and economic challenges to overcome.
The WAPP Secretariat expressed its sincere thanks to the participants for their availability and spirit of collaboration. The valuable contribution of the participants in improving the technical guide was acknowledged by the WAPP General Secretariat and an invitation was extended to continue the collaboration for further improvement.
A final meeting of this thematic group is planned before the end of July 2023.